Supporting adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse since 1987.

You Are Not Alone
Shift the Shame

To break the cycle of sexual violence and intergenerational trauma for women through connection, community and compassion.


A world where girls and women are safe from sexual violence in their homes and in their community, where they can move freely and engage meaningfully without fear.


  • Art by Justine Wahlin

    Art by Justine Wahlin

    You may have noticed the beautiful artwork adorning our website and strategic plan. This is a conscious decision to use art instead of stock photos to represent childhood sexual abuse (CSA) with its warm colours, blurred lines and moody, misty quality which conveys the sense of drifting invisibility often felt by survivors. We have Justine…

  • Are you a CSA Survivor with an NDIS Package?

    Are you a CSA Survivor with an NDIS Package?

    Stepping Out would love to hear about your experiences with NDIS as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. This would involve a confidential and trauma-informed chat with a specialist counsellor for 30-60 minutes either in person (in Sydney) or over Zoom. We are offering a gift voucher for your time and expertise. Please contact us…

  • Adult Survivors Program

    Adult Survivors Program

    Stepping Out was proud to represent CSA survivors today at NSW Health’s forum for the implementation of their Adult Survivors Program with the theme of “Building Connections”. Vivienne Moore and Rochelle Cherry, lived experience advocates along with Darren Wagner, spoke of challenges in accessing healthcare as survivors. Their advice? Be kind, be flexible, listen and…

  • Coercive control now a crime in NSW

    Coercive control now a crime in NSW

    Coercive control is now a crime in NSW, a powerful shift in narrative from single incidents of abuse to the establishment of patterns of abusive behaviours which, cumulatively, rob victim-survivors of their autonomy and independence. Also known as “intimate terrorism”, coercive control is a significant predictor of intimate partner homicide. This is great news for…

  • Congratulations, Sam Mostyn!

    Congratulations, Sam Mostyn!

    Pictured at an event last July at Addi Road to promote “No Laughing Matter” podcast which raises awareness of incest by pairing survivors with well-known personalities to narrate their stories. From left to right, the panel consisted of Dr. Catharine Lumby, Stepping Out CEO Melissa Holmes, the podcast’s creator Tanya Lee and moderator Sam Mostyn,…

  • Our Workshops are now running!

    Our Workshops are now running!

    Stepping Out is running programs for adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Groups are small, kind and trauma-informed yet there is so much power to sitting with other survivors after feeling so alone for so long. Facilitated by specialist counsellors, groups are psychoeducational with a side benefit of peer support. We focus on trauma…